Tweetbot 2.0 Is The Best Twitter Client For MAC

twitter news today

Twitter's third party client, Tweetbot 2.0 have been considered as the best one for Mac.

Latest Twitter news is regarding Tweetbot 2.0 that has been announced as the best Twitter Client when it comes to MAC.  Third-party client for Twitter, Tweetbot is from Tapbots, a two-man development studio and has been the default option, unofficially, for the MAC and iOS users who had not been satisfied with the first-party clients in the first place, in the times before the social network took decision to clamp the clients down that were not linked to the company.

The Mac version had been launched in 2012 but its look and feel isn’t the same to match the software aesthetics of Apple for desktop that had been changed initially for Mavericks and then with Yosemite. Now it had been given the brand new look and there have been major performance improvements as well, and names Tweetbot 2.0.

The update to Tweetbot 2.0 is free for the owners of the earlier version. The new version for new users will be for $12.99, however, both are considered to be overly generous for what the users are getting. Many of us had been ardent users of former version, way before the OS X new interface and rather clean OS X couldn’t be matched with the Tweetbot. Now that the company has worked on it, the looks have been way improved and the app is making you feel like it’s the brand new one now.

The new additions to the app, as reported by Twitter news, are a flattened look, a rather simpler color palette which includes the lighter columns and dark sidebar. The profile pictures are shown in circles and the account switcher has been made easy to navigate. The animation transitioning between the menus on sidebar are fast, subtle and awesome. The new look of the profile view is rich, not only in media but also in information. The content of tweets is been paid homage with the overall look which is clean and rather a spare presentation of the tweets is there which makes it easy to distinguish between tweets.

There are many things the Tweetbot can make it happen for you that no other third party client is capable of, it includes granular muting, additional columns being popped out if you wish to see more than one information stream at the same time. The multiple views can be managed in an easier way now by the new column manager icon that is placed at bottom left. One thing that we see missing is support for RT with comment format that had been introduced by Twitter lately. However, it is far off the best Mac experience one can have when it comes to Twitter.