Google Vs Oracle in 8 Bilion Lawsuit



Analysts and shareholders believe a decision by a judge against Google in the case filed by Oracle over the use of Java can't affect the search engine developer much

Even if Google is ordered by jury to pay $8.8 billion sought by the tech company Oracle in a forthcoming copyright trial in the Californian city of San Francisco regarding the Android operating system, analysts and shareholders believe it won't affect the American search company  much.

Oracle has claimed that the Mountain View based organization’s Android breached its copyrights on parts of its programming language Java, while the search engine developer states according to the fair-use provision of copyright legislation it must be allowed to use Java without being charged a fee. 4 years ago, the case was earlier trialed, but a jury faced a deadlock. It during the trail beginning on 9th May 2016 rules against Alphabet’s organization regarding fair use, it will then consider damages.

In the last year, Google earned $75 billion in sales revenue, even so a huge ruling for Oracle would have a bit of impact on the search engine operator’s investors as it would just be charged once, stated Mike Bailey, who serves as FBB Capital Partners’ director of research. FBB Capital Partners is a shareholder in Alphabet.

The software company also seeks an order against the future use of Java by Google in Android, which would provide it greater leverage on the sum of ongoing royalty. Nevertheless, such an order needs to be given by a judge and not by a jury. Legal experts hold the belief that it’s a remote possibility.

Following the initial trial, United States District Judge William Alsup gave a ruling that the issued material in the legal case must not be subject to any copyright. That ruling was reversed by a federal appeals court, nevertheless, stating, the computer language structure that connects one program to another can be shielded.

A representative of Oracle didn’t gave a response to a request for sharing views, and a spokesman of Google refused to comment. A damages expert, which has been appointed by Oracle has given an estimation that Google has earned $29 billion in terms of search revenue as well as gross advertising from Android products since they were created, revealed court documents, plus an extra $11.6 billion in terms of sales of Android phones and applications

The expert of Oracle then calculated profits earned by Google from Android at $11.4 billion, of which he determined the Redwood based organization is eligible to receive a sum of  $8.8 billion. Nevertheless, Google states Oracles has highly overstated the role played by Java in making Android successful.

In a recent judgment, William stated the damages expert of Oracle will be permitted to testify regarding the sum of $8.8 billion but can’t tell jurors they must award the whole amount.