Alphabet Starts Shipping Cardboard VR Device


Alphabet Cardboard VR is not a delicate high-tech gadget, just a simple box of cardboard.

Alphabet declares that it has shipped over 5 million Google Cardboard VR devices. VP of Google’s virtual reality division, Clay Bavor, posted on a blog that along with the shipment of 5 million devices, over 25 million Cardboard apps have also been downloaded from Google Play Store.

The virtual reality is the shining future with many high-tech companies investing into it. Bavor also reported that through Cardboard, more than 350 million hours of VR video has been watched on YouTube and over 750 million VR photos taken with the device. This indicates that the device is a huge success among the consumers. The most liked app is “Chair in a Room” which is a horror-game. The device has a wide range of apps from field trips to rollercoaster stimulator.

The $497 billion organization, Alphabet, has been doing a lot for the proposed device. It has established a separate division for it and needs to follow such strategies that can help the device to compete against the highly anticipated Oculus, along with similar products by Microsoft, Sony, and Valve. Serving the Mount Vie Californian firm for 10 years, Bavor is also said to concentrate all his expertise solely on VR division.

Google has made the device an educational tool. It reported that over 500,000 students had consumed the virtual reality expedition. The company knows that students will like to have more of such experiences. It can be perfectly integrated in the educational institution to make the learning experience of the students a lot more fun.

Cardboard VR is not a delicate high-tech gadget. Literally, it is a box of cardboard strapped with Velcro with a lens inside but once attached to a smartphone, it becomes the virtual reality wonder. Investors and analyst look forward to how the company will take the design of the device from now on.

Since virtual reality is the fast growing norm in the industry, Google focuses on other products in the similar lines. It has also been working on augmented reality wearable –similar to Microsoft Corporation’s HoloLens. It has not divulged in the details of the product except for few videos uploaded on YouTube under the name of “Magic Leap Demo.”

VR committed devices will be essential in the growth of the company in the long run. Furthermore, on the market close on Wednesday, Alphabet stock stood at a firm $717.58. The stock has a 52-week range of $503.48 to $799. The stock is analysts’ and investors’ favorite. Some analysts have set the price target of Alphabet stock at $910. 24 out of 28 analysts rate the stock “Buy”, 4 set it at “Hold” while none recommend to “Sell” the stock.